Mamiwata is an African name for a spirit believed to be embodied by the manatee. This blog chronicles my search for the elusive African manatee, and my exploration to understand its biology, habitat and preservation needs, economic and cultural significance. So little is known about this animal, yet it is intensely hunted almost everywhere it exists and may already be gone from much of its previous range. In 2006 I was inspired to go find and study them, starting in Gabon.
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Saturday, November 29, 2008
Hartlaub's Duck. We also saw large flocks of these guys flying up the Rembo Bongo.
So all in all we had 10 sightings comprising 13 individual manatees in the lakes over 3 days. For this part of the world, that's a pretty high sighting frequency and it's obvious there is plenty of great habitat. I feel privileged to be able to see this amazing remote place where so few people ever get to go.
Last week I went back up the Rembo Bongo (river) on the north side of N’dogo Lagoon for 5 days. I was there in September 2007, but it was still the dry season, and I found out through interviews with villagers that the manatees only come up in the rainy season. So this year I waited until well into the rainy season before heading back up there.
Map detail of N'dogo Lagoon and the surrounding area, all of it is located in central Gabon. The Rembo Bongo and most of the lakes (Longa Longa is north of Kivoro, off the map) are in the upper right.

Forest and hilly savannah view in southern N'dogo lagoon as we head to the river.
The first day we went to the northernmost lake, Longa Longa. On our way upriver we found a large dead softshell turtle (Trionyx triunguis), a dead snake that had gotten caught in a fishing net while swimming across the river, and a dead juvenile elephant. Suffice it to say the elephant was so decomposed that it took us several minutes to identify it, so I’ll spare you a photo. We were relieved that it wasn’t another manatee! We also saw some beautiful wild orchids and lots of neat birds. The river is fast-flowing and the color of chocolate milk, so that combined with the sound of the motor mostly precludes us from seeing any manatees that might be there.
DeDe with the dead turtle
trees in Lac Longa Longa

Rain shower heading towards Lac Kivoro
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
We also stopped by a house on the lagoon owned by a Dutch man named Herman who often sees manatees feeding in the cove in front of his house. There are large beds of aquatic plants here, primarily Crinum natans. I stopped by here last year but Herman wasn’t home. This year I met him and we sat overlooking the cove while he told me stories about seeing mating herds and adults with calves frolicking in the clear water. Of course they never seem to be there when I am, but DeDe did spot 2 manatees much further out in the lagoon while we were there. Infact, people in the nearby village of Pitonga see manatees year round in this area and it's one of the places I'm considering as a capture site when I finally get funding to tag manatees.
Moune Mouelle habitat
Monday, November 17, 2008
A WWF boat was waiting for us at Sette Cama and DeDe and I set out first thing Tuesday morning. First we went next door to Sette Cama Safaris, where I stayed when I was here last year. Alain, the manager there, had found a manatee carcass last week. So we said hello to him & then got directions to the carcass, which was only a couple miles up the lagoon. It was very badly decomposed and many of the bones had already fallen out, but we were able to collect genetics samples and the skull.
Collecting the skull
It literally took all day last Monday to buy gas and food, pick up the boat motor and pack car with all the supplies for Sette Cama. Since I’m getting used to this pace by now, I don’t worry about rushing, and work on my computer between trips to the various grocery stores and other locations. The gas station was low on fuel so they limited me to 100 liters, but I was able to leave money to have more bought the following day and sent up to us later.
“DeDe”, a great Gabonese guy who worked with me last year, is working with me again this year and is the recipient of one of the stipends I am giving to train Gabonese biologists in manatee research techniques. He has previously worked with “Ibonga”, the local sea turtle NGO in Gamba, so he has a background in conservation work. He has eyes like a hawk and can spot wildlife at insane distances, and since he grew up on this lagoon, he knows every little cove and mangrove island like the back of his hand. Which is saying something in a 60km long lagoon with literally thousands of islands.
We finally left Gamba at 6pm, just as the sun was setting. The sun sinks like a stone here on the equator, so within a few minutes we were zipping along the dirt road in the dark, 3 of us packed into the front and one poor guy packed in back with the gas drum, the boat engine, a kitchen stove we were bringing to the house, and all our other gear. After the road ran out we bumped across the savannah on a sand track with wheel ruts that were sometimes so deep the car lurched like a carnival ride. But the air was cool and the track was remarkably clear for the rainy season (sometimes it floods and is impassable). And just before we reached Sette Cama we came upon an elephant grazing on the savannah, lit by the almost full moon. Elephants don't like surperises, so flash photography is unadvisable unless you want to get flattened. So I don't have any photos- I just enjoyed the moment.
We arrived at the WWF house, part of the Eaux et Forets (Water and Forestry Ministry) Brigade, which sits at the edge of the lagoon with the ocean behind it. We were greeted by the 3 other researchers living there- Cathy, an American PhD student, Richard and Joseph, her two Gabonese assistants. They are studying the red-capped mangebeys in the forest here.
The WWF field house at Sette Cama- very comfortable!
Sunday, November 09, 2008
Tomorrow I finally head back out into the field! It's been a good but long 3 weeks of logistics planning and I'm ready to get outside. On Friday afternoon I arrived in Gamba, a town located at the southern edge of N'dogo Lagoon. I'm being hosted here by WWF who very generously puts me up at their guest houses in Gamba and Sette Cama, helps me with logistics (transportation to buy boat fuel, food, assistance in finding a boat driver or ecoguides to come with me, etc.) and provides me a boat for my work. Sette Cama is about 40km from Gamba, at the north end of this huge, beautiful lagoon. Some of you may recall that I spent a week there last year and had a very high sighting frequency of manatees. This time I'm trying to get there quickly because I've had 4 reports of dead manatees there in the past month (3 in 1 small lake just off the lagoon, which is strange). Unfortunately none of them have been sampled yet, the people who saw them took GPS points and photos, but that's it. Hopefully I'll be able to locate the remains. There is no targeted hunting in this area, so the deaths are a mystery.
This isn't the way I like to see manatees, but carcasses are extremely valuable to help understand the genetics, life history and physiology of these rare animals.This photo was taken by Jerome Xavier, who was in Sette Cama last week. I met with him in Libreville to discuss some GIS map work here's doing, and he offhandedly mentioned he'd seen a manatee carcass in Sette Cama. It's amazing how much I find out through word of mouth here.
There is no internet in Sette Cama, so my next postings will come when I return to Gamba next week.
Friday, November 07, 2008
Here in Gabon my friend Aimee, who has been doing fantastic outreach work for Mayumba National Park for several years, has been given a very generous donation to build the country's first ecomuseum. It will sit near the top of a hill overlooking the beautiful wide beach and the ocean. Sea turtle nests (Mayumba is one of the most important nesting beaches in the world for Leatherbacks, and Olive Ridleys nest there as well) and breaching humpback whales will be visible from the center, as will the lagoon where manatees live. I'm hoping the center will begin to raise awareness about manatees in Gabon and am excited to help develop a permanent exhibit. I've donated one of the skeletons that I collected here several years ago and we are planning to articulate it (a big job) and hang it from the ceiling. Wildlife Trust and USGS Sirenia Project also donated an old tag, belt and tether which we'll display along with a description of techniques used to study manatees in the wild.
Yesterday was an exciting day for the future center, because the Mayor of Mayumba signed a letter to donate the land it will be built on! It should be completed in about a year and a half. I'll write more as it progresses. You can check out the plans and photos of the site here!
Wednesday, November 05, 2008
Monday, November 03, 2008
Sometimes logistics are difficult here. I can spend weeks setting up plans for fieldwork- which includes flights, boats and other transport to a location, alot of gear that also has to get transported, lodging, food, planning camping for survey trips, buying hundreds of liters of boat fuel, arranging boat guides/drivers, trainees or other people who come along (sometimes I collaborate with other researchers), etc. Unlike the USA, nothing gets arranged on the internet, so everything is in person or over the phone. And sometimes despite the best effort, it all falls through at the last minute.
This happened late last week when the lodge I was planning to work with had 3 boat engines break at the same time and also miscalculated the number of tourists coming this week. So suddenly I was left with no trip to the Fernan Vaz. I'll reschedule it later, because I still need to go there, but for now I've switched gears. I'll spend this week in Libreville and on Friday I'll go to Gamba, and from there I'll start work at N'dogo Lagoon.
Here's an aerial view of part of N'dogo Lagoon, taken last year. I'm really looking forward to getting back there.